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Become A Distributor

Become A SoRite® DECON Distributor

Please attach a photo of the outside of your business
Please attach a photo of the inside of your business
Reseller Permit or Tax Exempt Documentation

Thank you for your interest in becoming a SoRite® partner. We are currently taking applications for distributors interested in selling our products. 

While we are actively working to expand our capabilities, SoRite is currently only available in the United States. If you are interested in becoming an International partner please email: [email protected].

Our distributors are a vital part of the SoRite brand. We love working with distributors because you’re entrepreneurs and business owners like us. You understand what it takes to make your business, and the brands you carry, successful. We’re all working together to make customer’s lives better through the products we sell.

To apply to be a distributor, please complete and submit the form below. Our team will be in touch with you regarding next steps. Thank you for your interest in partnering with us.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have a specific question.

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